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Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Country / Region *Egypt
Postcode *
Address *
City *
State * Select an option…AlexandriaAswanAsyutRed SeaBeheiraBeni SuefCairoDakahliaDamiettaFaiyumGharbiaGizaIsmailiaSouth SinaiQalyubiaKafr el-SheikhQenaLuxorMinyaMonufiaMatrouhPort SaidSohagAl SharqiaNorth SinaiSuezNew Valley
University *
Education Major *
GPA / Grade *
Graduation Year *
Total Years of work experience? *
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Current Employer Name *
Previous Employer Name *
Last Monthly Salary *
Technical Skills & Certificates (optional)
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Attendance time * 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
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